The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The PriceBook
For the IBM Personal Computer
and compatible micros
Copyright 1984 by
RJL Systems
106 New Haven Avenue
Milford, CT 06460
The name The PriceBook is a trademark of RJL Systems. The name
DOS refers to PC-DOS which is a trademark of the IBM Corporation.
Shareware Notice
This software is distributed as Shareware. The software can be
copied without restriction. If you decide to use the software,
you must register the software with RJL Systems for a modest
$99.95 fee. Specify if a color version of the software is desired
when registering (color version requires color monitor). Regis-
tration includes a printed manual.
C o n t e n t s
Chapter 1 General Information 1
1.1 Introduction -- A Friendly and Versatile
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Price Book File -- The Cornerstone . . . 1
1.3 The PriceBook Manual -- Some Insights . . . . 2
1.4 The Sample Price Book File -- A Closer Look . 2
1.5 The Quote and Edit Files . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Creating Backups -- A Prudent Practice . . 3
1.7 Data Entry -- Some Important Points . . . . 4
1.8 Program Operation -- Some Suggestions . . . 5
1.8.1 The Esc, Ctrl and Scroll/Break Keys . . 5
1.8.2 Printer Preparation . . . . . . . . . . 5 Serial Printer Preparation 5
1.8.3 System Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.9 Programs -- Names & Functions . . . . . . . 7
1.10 Installation -- A Simple Job . . . . . . . 8
1.10.1 Users Without a Fixed Disk . . . . . . 8
1.10.2 Fixed-Disk Users . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 2 PB, The Main Program 10
2.1 Description -- Many Useful Features . . . 10
2.2 Using The PriceBook -- A Menu Approach . 10
2.2.1 Add New Page . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Data Entry Notes 14
2.2.2 Change a Page . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Data Entry Notes 16
2.2.3 Delete a Page . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.4 Find a Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.5 Price Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.6 Update Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 23 Setting the Type of Quote Desired 24 Method for Computing Profit 24 Discount and Profit Percentage
Parameters 24 Write Quote to Disk Parameter 24 Disk Drive with Quote File
Parameter 24 Sales Tax Applicable Parameter 25 Sales Tax Rate Parameter 25 Lines at Top of Form Parameter 25 Page Height Parameter 25 Restored File Drive Parameter 25
2.2.7 Creating a Backup Diskette . . . . . . 26
2.2.8 Load & Run Q Program . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.9 Global Updating . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.10 Exiting the PB Program . . . . . . . 30
Chapter 3 Other Price Book File Programs 31
3.1 PRICEINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.1.1 Using PRICEINT . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 PBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 Using PBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 PRINTPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3.1 Using PRINTPB . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chapter 4 Q, The Quote Program 37
4.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Using the Q Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.1 Back Up Quote File . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2.2 Delete a Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2.3 Edit a Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2.4 Find a Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2.5 Load & Run PB Program . . . . . . . . 46
4.2.6 Merge Two Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2.7 Print a Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.2.8 Global Updating . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2.9 Quote Id. Display . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2.10 Exiting the Q Program . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 5 Other Quote File Programs 51
5.1 QUOTEINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.1 Using QUOTEINT . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.2 QER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2.1 Using QER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Appendix A Error Messages 55
Appendix B Glossary 59
Index 63
The PriceBook
C h a p t e r 1
G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n
1 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n - - A F r i e n d l y
a n d V e r s a t i l e S y s t e m
Welcome to The PriceBook. We sincerely hope our product will be
most useful in providing you a means of maintaining price and
product description information that will best meet your
individual needs.
The PriceBook is a multipurpose system that can be used to
generate invoices, acknowledgements, purchase orders, quotations
or any other business application that requires itemized
listings with price extensions and totals calculated.
1 . 2 T h e P r i c e B o o k F i l e - - T h e
C o r n e r s t o n e
The cornerstone of the system will be your price book file (on
disk) which you can create and maintain using The PriceBook.
A sample price book file is provided to help you become
acquainted with the system and lessen the chance of your having
problems when using the system for the first time with your own
price book file.
RJL Systems 1
The PriceBook
1 . 3 T h e P r i c e B o o k M a n u a l - -
S o m e I n s i g h t s
Since The PriceBook can be used by many different business people
-- sales agents, insurance agents, buyers, estimators,
subcontractors, billing personnel, et al. -- it would have been
impractical to write a manual for each specific group. Thus for
the sake of uniformity and simplicity we have written this manual
for one specific group -- for those who need to obtain quotations
from their price book file. If you are using the system to
generate invoices, acknowledgements or purchase orders, you can
simply mentally substitute the word(s) invoice, acknowledgement
or purchase order where quote or quotation appears in this
1 . 4 T h e S a m p l e P r i c e B o o k F i l e
- - A C l o s e r L o o k
The sample price book file that comes with The PriceBook has
seven records (pages) and is stored as two files on your program
diskette. There is a data file named PRICEBK.FIL and an indexed
file called PRICEBK.KEY. The indexed file is structured to point
to records (pages) in the data file thereby enabling rapid access
and display of individual records.
The records on the price book file are in ascending order by page
identifier. To gain access to a particular page in the price book
file, you can either enter the page identifier of the page you
want displayed on the screen or browse through the file by
pressing the F1 function key until you reach the desired page.
The prices and items shown in the sample price book file are
purely hypothetical. Although the product descriptions and prices
of a make-believe steel (hollow metal) door company comprise the
sample price book file, virtually any product description or
price can be maintained by The PriceBook.
Once you have familiarized yourself with the system, you can
create your own price book file (see section 3.1 and 1.9). If you
do not place your price book file on your program diskette, be
sure to erase the sample price book file (PRICEBK.FIL &
PRICEBK.KEY) from your program diskette using the ERASE command
to prevent mistakenly updating the wrong price book file at some
future date.
2 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
1 . 5 T h e Q u o t e a n d E d i t F i l e s
Quote and edit files can be created to save your quotes on disk.
The edit file allows you to modify a quote once it is written to
disk. Quotes are written to disk in ascending order by quote
identifier. To gain access to a particular quote in the quote
file, you can either enter the quote identifier of the quote you
want displayed on the screen or browse through the file by
pressing the F1 function key until you reach the desired quote.
The main advantage of writing quotes to disk is that it gives you
the opportunity to proofread and edit a quote(s) prior to
printing. In addition, a disk quote file serves as a useful
backup for any file of printed quotes that you may keep for
reference or other purpose.
1 . 6 C r e a t i n g B a c k u p s - - A
P r u d e n t P r a c t i c e
Before using the system, it is important to back up (make a copy
of) the The PriceBook diskette to a blank diskette as a
safeguard against loss or damage to the original diskette. One-
drive users should use the DISKCOPY command; all other users
should use the COPY *.* command to accomplish this backup (refer
to your DOS manual if necessary). Note the COPY command should
also be used by one-drive users experiencing problems with
DISKCOPY command. Once a backup copy is made, you can use the
backup diskette and store the original diskette in a safe place
for use in emergency situations.
You should also back up your price book file every time you make
file updates (additions, changes or deletions). A backup
facility is provided in the main program, PB. This facility will
be discussed in detail under section 2.2.7. It is recommended
that you back up your price book file with this facility as well
as with the DOS COPY command. The quote and edit files should
also be backed up after writing a quote(s) to disk or after
modifying a quote(s).
Having a backup copy of the price book file is essential for
recovering lost data (usually caused by human error) or a
damaged file. In short, creating backups represents a prudent
and sound business and data processing practice.
RJL Systems 3
The PriceBook
1 . 7 D a t a E n t r y - - S o m e
I m p o r t a n t P o i n t s
For certain data entry errors, such as the typing of a nondigit
into a numeric field, a COBOL (the programming language in which
The PriceBook is written) editing feature will prevent such input
and provide you a warning by beeping. Typos and other errors can
be corrected with the aid of the editing keys: the cursor
control left and right keys, the backspace key and the backtab
key (the tab key plus the shift key). If you detect an error in
a field before pressing the enter key, use the appropriate
cursor control key or the backspace key for positioning and then
simply retype the erroneous character(s). When a field has
already been entered and an error is later detected, you must use
the backtab key to position the cursor to the desired field(s).
Only the erroneous field(s) must be re-entered. Those that were
entered correctly do not have to be re-entered; eventhough, the
use of the backtab key may make the data in the fields disappear
from the screen. You can then return to the field where you
originally started by using the tab key.
When entering numeric data, integers (or the integer part of
a number) will move from right to left. When entering prices
that have both dollars and cents, the dollar portion is entered
first followed by a decimal point (period) which will move
the cursor to the right of the decimal point so that you can
enter the decimal (cent) portion.
Note that either the enter key or the tab key can be used for
entering data. Use the one you feel more comfortable with.
Additional information on entering data will appear in the
discussion of the main program, PB, in chapter 2 and the quote
program, Q, in chapter 4.
4 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
1 . 8 P r o g r a m O p e r a t i o n - - S o m e
S u g g e s t i o n s
1.8.1 The Esc, Ctrl and Scroll/Break Keys
The Esc key (escape key) can be used to exit from virtually any
field on any screen. Use this key if you have made a mistake
in entering a menu selection or if you just wish to discontinue
inputting data for any reason. Note in a few instances where
entering numeric data might cause the accidental hitting of the
Esc key, the F7 key is used in lieu of the Esc key to exit from
that particular screen.
Pressing the SCROLL/BREAK key while the CTRL key is depressed
will cancel the execution of a program and return you to DOS. You
can use this method to discontinue the printing of a quotation
or to exit from an unrecoverable situation. Always try using the
Esc key first, however, before resorting to this method.
1.8.2 Printer Preparation
To assure that the printing of each page of a quotation or other
printed listing starts at the top of a page, set the on-line
button on your printer to the off position. Then press the form
feed button to position the paper to the top of a page. If the
paper fails to move to the top of the page (the horizontal
perforation in the paper should be aligned slightly below the
top of the ribbon), you will have to position the paper manually
with the printer's roller knob (refer to your printer's manual
for the correct method to do this alignment). If you align the
paper manually, you should first turn the printer off before
adjusting the paper and then turn it back on after alignment is
made. Note the standard six lines per inch is assumed for all
printouts. If the initial setting of your printer is not six
lines per inch, use the MODE command (see your DOS manual) to
set this parameter accordingly. Serial Printer Preparation
Special steps must be taken if you have a serial printer. Two
MODE commands must be executed first before attempting any
printouts (place your DOS diskette on the current drive before
executing the commands). One MODE command is needed to initialize
the asynchronous communications adapter and the other MODE
RJL Systems 5
The PriceBook
command is needed to redirect parallel printer output to the
asynchronous communications adapter. An example of the required
commands follow.
The parameters listed in the above example may not apply to your
particular situation. You should refer to the MODE command in
your DOS manual for complete information. To automatically have
the system execute these commands, you may want to create an
AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your DOS diskette which includes these two
MODE commands (see your DOS manual if necessary).
1.8.3 System Shutdown
Always exit from The PriceBook before turning off your computer.
Failure to do so could result in serious damage to your price
book file (as well as your quote & edit files if you are using
6 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
1 . 9 P r o g r a m s - - N a m e s &
F u n c t i o n s
Program Name Program Function
PB This is the main program. The program performs
the following functions: adds, changes and
deletes records (pages); provides page display;
provides file display; updates your parameter
file; provides quotations outputted to a printer
and/or disk and creates a backup of your price
book, quote and edit files.
PBR This program uses your backup diskette to restore
the production price book file.
PRINTPB This program is used to print out your price book
file. At the user's option, one page, all pages or
page identifiers can be printed.
PRICEINT This program is used to create (initialize) your
price book file on disk so that you can add pages
to it and obtain quotations. PRICEINT should only
be used once at installation time unless you want
to create additional price book files on separate
diskettes or in different directories on a
Q This program provides access to your quote file
(if you are using one). The program provides the
following functions: quote display, file display,
file maintenance to delete or edit a quote,
printouts of quotes, backups of your quote and
edit files and the capability of merging
(combining) two quotes into one.
QER This program uses your backup diskette to restore
the quote and edit files.
QUOTEINT This program creates (initializes) the quote and
edit files on disk. QUOTEINT can be used to create
more than one quote and edit file as long as you
use separate diskettes or different directories
on a diskette for each quote and edit file you
RJL Systems 7
The PriceBook
1 . 1 0 I n s t a l l a t i o n - - A S i m p l e
J o b
1.10.1 Users Without a Fixed Disk
After you have familiarized yourself with The PriceBook using the
sample price book file provided, you can start using the system
with your own price book file. You create your own price book
file using the program PRICEINT (see section 3.1). If you want
any quotes generated by The PriceBook to be written to disk, you
will also have to create a quote and edit file using the QUOTEINT
program (see section 5.1).
You should first determine whether you want your price book file
to reside on a diskette by itself. If you intend to increase
the size of the file to such an extent that it may fail to fit on
the program diskette, you should definitely create your price
book file on a separate diskette. If you decide to use a separate
diskette, you should erase the sample price book file from your
program diskette using the ERASE command (see your DOS manual if
necessary) to prevent using the wrong price book file. You must
also copy the parameter file, PBPARM.FIL, from your program
diskette to the new diskette using the DOS COPY command (see your
DOS manual if necessary). The parameter file is required by the
programs of The PriceBook to determine various variable settings.
You will also have to copy the parameter file to your quote- and
edit-file diskette (if using one and if not the same as your
price-book-file diskette). Every time you make changes to your
printer parameters using the PB program the parameter file must
again be copied to your quote- and edit-file diskette.
All programs of The PriceBook are placed into computer memory
in an area where DOS stores its COMMAND.COM program. Every time
one of the programs of The PriceBook ends, COMMAND.COM must be
placed back into its original location in memory by rein-
serting the DOS diskette in the current drive. To avoid this
situation, you should copy COMMAND.COM from your DOS
diskette to the diskette containing your price book file and to
the diskette containing your quote and edit files (if using a
separate diskette) using the COPY command.
The final phase of installation is the setting of the parameter
file variables to your own requirements upon initial execution of
The PriceBook. Each parameter is explained in section 2.2.6.
8 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
1.10.2 Fixed-Disk Users
The PriceBook diskette should be copied to your fixed disk.
Before performing this copy, you should first make sure that
there are no common (duplicate) file names between the files on
The PriceBook diskette and the files on your fixed disk. Use
the DIR command (refer to your DOS manual if necessary) to check
for duplicate names. If there are duplicate names, you should
rename the files with the duplicate names on your fixed disk
using the RENAME command (refer to your DOS manual if necessary)
to prevent their being destroyed when the copy takes place.
Another choice you have is to place the programs of The
PriceBook in a separate directory on your fixed disk. Use the DOS
MKDIR and CHDIR commands (see your DOS manual if necessary) to
accomplish this task.
Once you are ready to do the copying, place The PriceBook
diskette in drive A and type and enter one of the following
commands just to the right of the DOS prompt, A>, to accomplish
this transfer.
COPY *.* C: or COPY *.* D: -- whichever drive applies.
You will also have to copy the DOS diskette to your fixed disk if
you have not already done so by inserting your DOS diskette in
drive A and again following the above instructions. When you
start up your system, you must make sure that there is no
diskette in either drive A or B in order for the system to look
for the DOS programs on your fixed disk.
Because all programs now reside on your fixed disk, you can
disregard any instruction in this manual telling you to insert
your program diskette or DOS diskette in drive A. The final phase
of installation is the setting of the parameter file variables
to your own requirements upon initial execution of The
PriceBook. Each parameter is explained in section 2.2.6.
RJL Systems 9
The PriceBook
C h a p t e r 2
P B, T h e M a i n P r o g r a m
2 . 1 D e s c r i p t i o n - - M a n y
U s e f u l F e a t u r e s
PB provides you access to your price book file. The program
performs a number of functions that help you monitor and
maintain your price book file. Features include comprehensive
file maintenance capability to add, change and delete records
(pages); price quote generation in a variety of formats;
screen displays of each page; screen displays of the entire file
or any portion of the file; and facilities to back up the price
book file as well as the quote and edit files.
2 . 2 U s i n g T h e P r i c e B o o k - - A
M e n u A p p r o a c h
You should now be ready to start using The PriceBook with your
sample price book file. Users who have a fixed disk need only
type and enter the letters PB next to the DOS prompt, C>. Those
without a fixed disk should insert The PriceBook diskette in
drive A and then type and enter the letters PB next to the DOS
prompt, A>. After the letters PB are entered, a screen will
appear and look similar to the one that is shown on the next
10 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
The PriceBook
Copyright l984 RJL Systems
Price book file must be on current drive.
Press ESC to exit, any other key when ready.
Since the sample price book file resides on your program
diskette, all that is required is to press any key (except Esc)
and the menu on the next page will appear.
When using your own price book file that resides on a separate
diskette, you will have to insert this diskette before pressing a
key (except Esc).
Once the main menu appears as shown on the next page, do not
remove your price book file diskette until you end execution of
the PB program.
RJL Systems 11
The PriceBook
Type and Enter Desired Code
Add New Page F1
Change a Page F2
Delete a Page F3
Find a Page F4
Price Quote F5
Update Parameters F6
Back Up Price Book F7
Load & Run Q Pgm F8
Global Updating F9
Return to DOS ESC
You can choose one of the nine possible selections (functions)
shown above. There are two ways you can make a selection -- by
either typing and entering the first letter of the desired
function (e.g. typing and entering the letter A for Add New Page)
or by simply pressing the function key (or Esc key) assigned to
the desired function (e.g. pressing the F1 key for Add New
If a wrong letter is entered or an unassigned function key is
pressed while in the price-book-menu screen, an error message
will be highlighted near the bottom of the screen. For all
data entry errors in any of the function screens, error
messages will also be highlighted at the bottom of the
screen. A list of error messages produced by The PriceBook
and COBOL along with a brief explanation of each is given in
Appendix A. For DOS error messages, refer to your DOS manual.
A description and walk-through of each function follow.
Please remember to complete the final phase of installation by
using the parameter update function (section 2.2.6) to set the
various parameters to your own requirements when using the
program for the first time.
12 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
2.2.1 Add New Page
Using this function will enable you to add a page to the price
book file.
Typing and entering the letter A or optionally pressing the F1
key while in the price-book-menu screen will produce the
following screen.
Press F1, F2 or Esc key
As the above add inquiry menu indicates, a page in your price
book file can have one of two different formats. An illustration
of each is shown at the end of the next section. Format 2 is a
two dimensional table and is the appropriate choice when a
product comes in many configurations. In the sample price book
file, both doors and frames use this format because doors come in
many sizes and types (flush, bottom louver, vision light, half-
glass, etc.) and frames come in many sizes and widths. Format 1
represents two one dimensional tables and will likely be your
choice in most cases. Press F1 if you want to add a one
dimensional table, F2 if you want to add a two dimensional table
or Esc to exit the screen.
The zeroes (numeric data) and underline characters (alphanumeric
data) shown in the format samples represent the fields of a
particular page (plus the field the cursor is position on when
the add screen first appears and the page identifier field at the
bottom of the screen). The zeroes correspond to prices and the
underline characters correspond to the description of an item
associated with each price. To enter data for a particular field,
just type in the information and press the enter key. The cursor
will then move to the next field where you can enter more
information or press the enter key again to move to another
field. Note you do not have to enter data for every field on a
page but only those needed to maintain your price book file. At
some future date, should you need to add more data or change data
already entered on a page, use the change routine (see section
2.2.2) to accomplish this task.
When you have finished entering all information you want to
include for a particular page, press the F1 key and the cursor
will move to the page identifier field in the bottom right hand
corner of the screen. After typing and entering a unique (nondup-
RJL Systems 13
The PriceBook
licate) page identifier, the page will be added to the price book
file and the original add screen will reappear where you can add
another page or exit. Data Entry Notes
1. Pressing the F7 key followed by the Esc key while the
cursor is on any field except the page identifier field
will return you to the price-book-menu screen with no page
added to your price book file.
2. The backspace key is inoperative when entering alphanumeric
data (except for the page identifier field). Use the
cursor left (number 4 key), cursor right (number 6 key),
and the space bar if any editing of these fields is
3. Records (pages) are placed in your price book file in
ascending page identifier sequence based on ASCII code
order. These codes can be found in the Appendix section of
your BASIC manual. Note upper-case and lower-case letters
are assigned different values.
4. Use the backtab key (shift plus tab key) to move the
cursor backwards to edit or input data for a field. Use
the enter key to move the cursor forward to edit or
input data for a field.
5. Always be sure you have enough disk space (use the DOS DIR
command to determine available disk space) before adding
pages. A page takes up 1024 bytes. If disk space is not
available and you try to add a page to your price book
file, no addition to your price book file is made.
6. If your pages (applicable for quotes also) require that
they be in numerical sequence, the numbers you use as
identifiers must all have the same amount of digits as your
largest number you are going to use. This means that you
must use leading zeroes for any number not having the same
amount of digits as your largest number (e.g. 001 .... 050
.... 999). Also, the numbers must begin in the same
position in your identifier field for all pages.
14 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
R 1_ 00000.00 R 1_________________________00000.00
R 2_________________________00000.00 R 2_________________________00000.00
R 3_________________________00000.00 R 3_________________________00000.00
R 4_________________________00000.00 R 4_________________________00000.00
R 5_________________________00000.00 R 5_________________________00000.00
R 6_________________________00000.00 R 6_________________________00000.00
R 7_________________________00000.00 R 7_________________________00000.00
R 8_________________________00000.00 R 8_________________________00000.00
R 9_________________________00000.00 R 9_________________________00000.00
R10_________________________00000.00 R10_________________________00000.00
R11_________________________00000.00 R11_________________________00000.00
R12_________________________00000.00 R12_________________________00000.00
R13_________________________00000.00 R13_________________________00000.00
R14_________________________00000.00 R14_________________________00000.00
R15_________________________00000.00 R15_________________________00000.00
R16_________________________00000.00 R16_________________________00000.00
R17_________________________00000.00 R17_________________________00000.00
ESC -> FIRST LINE F1 -> GO TO PAGE ID F7 -> EXIT Page Id. = ............
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
RW 1________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 2________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 3________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 4________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 5________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 6________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 7________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 8________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW 9________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW10________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW11________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW12________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW13________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW14________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW15________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW16________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
RW17________00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
ESC -> FIRST LINE F1 -> GO TO PAGE ID F7 -> EXIT Page Id. = ............
RJL Systems 15
The PriceBook
2.2.2 Change a Page
Use this function to modify (edit) page(s) in your price book
Typing and entering C or optionally pressing the F2 key while in
the price-book-menu screen will produce the page inquiry screen.
After entering the page identifier of the page you want to change
(or pressing the F1 key to display the first page), a new screen
will appear displaying a page in your price book file (the page
you selected or the first page if you pressed the F1 key) with
the following selection line appearing near the bottom of the
The cursor will be positioned at the first field on the page. To
make a change to a field, position the cursor to the desired
field with the enter key. Once the cursor is on the field you
want to change, merely type and enter the new data. Continue this
process for all fields you want to modify. After you have changed
all desired fields, press the F10 key to record these changes to
your price book file. After the update, a message will appear at
the bottom of the screen informing you the update has taken
place and that you can continue making more changes or choose
one of the options in the selection line. Data Entry Notes
1. Pressing the F7 key followed by the Esc key without
first pressing the F10 key will return you to the price-
book-menu screen with no changes made to a page. To record
changes made to the currently displayed page of your price
book file, press the F10 key before exiting with the F7 and
Esc keys.
2. The backspace key is inoperative when entering alphanumeric
data. Use the cursor left (number 4 key), cursor right
(number 6 key), and the space bar if any editing of these
fields is required.
3. Use the backtab key (shift plus tab key) to move the
cursor backwards to edit or input data for a field. Use
the enter key to move forward to edit or input data for a
4. Use the F6 key to move to the page identifier field to
enter a new identifier. Note entering a new identifier adds
16 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
a page. The old page must be deleted using the delete
2.2.3 Delete a Page
Using this function will enable you to delete unwanted pages from
your price book file.
Typing and entering D or optionally pressing the F3 key while in
the price-book-menu screen will produce the page inquiry screen.
After entering the page identifier of the page you want to
delete, a new screen will appear displaying the page in your
price book file that you just selected with the following
message appearing near the bottom of the screen.
After viewing the displayed page and confirming the page is
indeed the one you want to delete, press D and the page will be
deleted. If the page is not the one you want deleted, press any
other key to avoid deletion. Once you have made your selection,
you will be returned to the page inquiry screen where you can
select another page for deletion or return to the price-book-menu
RJL Systems 17
The PriceBook
2.2.4 Find a Page
Use this function to display a page(s) already in your price
book file.
Typing and entering F or optionally pressing the F4 key while in
the price-book-menu screen will produce the page inquiry screen.
After entering the page identifier of the page you want displayed
(or pressing the F1 key to display the first page), you will see
a page in your price book file appear on the screen (the page
you selected or the first page if you pressed F1) with the
following selection line appearing near the bottom of the screen.
After viewing the page on the screen, you can return to the
price-book-menu screen by pressing any key except F1 or F2.
Pressing the F1 key will display the next page in your price
book file while pressing the F2 key will return you to the page
inquiry screen where you can select any page to be displayed.
If you enter a page identifier that does not exist in your price
book, the program will display the nearest page whose page
identifier is greater in value (alphabetically) than the one you
18 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
2.2.5 Price Quote
Using this function will enable you to generate quotes from your
price book file outputted to a printer and/or disk. If necessary,
refer to sections 1.7.2 and 2.2.6 on how to obtain properly
printed reports. To obtain the desired quote, see section
Typing and entering P or optionally pressing the F5 key will
produce the following screen (after messages are displayed to
remind you where the parameter, quote and edit files must be
Name and address Ship to address or other info
................................... ...................................
................................... ...................................
................................... ...................................
................................... ...................................
Shipping charges .......
Enter a quote or other identifier ...............
All of the above information is optional. An entry for shipping
charges is only required if you want shipping charges included in
your quote. The quote identifier is required only if you are
writing your quote to disk (write quote to disk parameter set to
Y or B (see section If you do not wish to enter data
for a particular entry, press the enter key and the cursor will
move to the next field. Pressing the enter key while the cursor
is on the identifier field will produce the page inquiry screen
where you should enter the page identifier of the page you want
displayed or press the F1 key to display the first page of your
price book file. Note pressing the F1 key when using the sample
price book file will result in the eighteen gauge door page being
RJL Systems 19
The PriceBook
Once a page is displayed (see section for samples of the
two available page formats), a data line will appear just below
the selection lines. The data line is used to enter the required
and optional information for the items in your price book file
that you are seeking to obtain a quote on. The data line for a
page in format 1 (two 1 dimensional tables) will appear as
TABLE 0 ROW 00 QTY 000000 UOI ...
The data line for a page in format 2 (one 2 dimensional table)
will appear as follows:
ROW 00 COLUMN 0 QTY 000000 UOI ... DES ..............
If you are obtaining quotes by either applying a discount or
profit to an item, an additional field will be displayed in each
of the above data lines (profit percentage field or discount
percentage field). To obtain a quote on a item shown on a page
display screen, enter the appropriate table and row number (row
and column number for pages in format 2) corresponding to that
particular item on the page. After the table and row entries are
made, enter the quantity of units required for this item. The UOI
field is optional. Enter the unit of issue (measurement) or just
press the enter key. The DES field under format 2 is also
optional. If you make an entry for this field, the data will be
added to the description of the item on output.
Pressing the enter key while the cursor is on the last field on
the data line enables the program to process and edit the entered
data. Before processing begins, the program examines each field
of the data line for errors. If any errors are found, a self-
explanatory error message will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen describing the error encountered and the field involved.
The error can be corrected by first positioning the cursor on the
erroneous field (use the enter key) and then typing and entering
the correct data. To re-enter the data line, position the cursor
on the rightmost field with the enter key and then press the
enter key one more time. Note data for alphanumeric fields (UOI
and DES fields) need not be retyped and re-entered; eventhough,
data for these fields will disappear from the screen when an
error is discovered.
When no data entry errors are detected, the program displays the
item you just entered in the verification line located on the
last line on the screen with the following message: ENTRY OK?
Y/N. Enter Y if the item is correct, otherwise enter N. Entering
Y begins the processing of the item with price extensions
calculated and results outputted to printer and/or disk. The
cursor then returns to the beginning of the data line. You can
now enter another item from the same page or another item from a
different page. The F1 key will move you to the next page and the
20 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
F2 key will produce the page inquiry screen that allows you to
select a page. Process all items you want to obtain a quote on in
this manner. After entering the last item of your quote, press
the F10 key and the final tally will be computed and outputted to
your printer and/or disk.
RJL Systems 21
The PriceBook
Obtain a price on a three feet by six feet eight inch
18 gauge steel door with a vision light from your sample
price book file.
1. Find the 18 gauge door page in the sample price book
file (the first page).
2. Type and enter 5 for the row field and 2
for the column field.
3. Type and enter the quantity of units desired.
4. Type and enter the unit of issue or just press the
enter key.
5. Type and enter the DES field or just press the enter
6. After verification, press the F10 key to obtain a
final tally.
If you are writing many quotes to disk, it is recommended that
you periodically back up the quote and edit files while in the
quote information screen (press the F10 key) to prevent having
to re-enter your quotes a second time should a system crash occur
and result in damage to your quote and edit files. For the same
reason, you should divide large quotes into two quotes (or more).
After entering each quote, back up the quote and edit files. To
obtain one quote, you can combine the quotes just entered using
the Q program's merge function. (Note for detailed information
on the backup process refer to section 4.2.1).
1. The exiting from either the page inquiry screen or the
page display screen (using the Esc key) will erase all
quote entries that were written to disk and fail to give
you a final total.
2. If you are writing a quote(s) to disk, always be sure you
have enough disk space available to assure all entries of a
quote can be written to disk. Use the DOS DIR command to
determine how much free disk space you have available on a
3. If you are writing a quote(s) to disk, do not remove the
quote and edit file diskette from its present disk drive
until you end a quote session and return to the price-book-
menu screen.
22 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
2.2.6 Update Parameters
Using this function permits you to update the parameter file
which contains various information used by programs of the The
PriceBook. Typing and entering U or optionally pressing the F6
function key while in the price-book-menu screen will produce the
following screen.
Apply discount by item
Apply profit by item
Apply discount to total
Apply profit to total
Apply discount plus profit to total
Method for computing profit
Applicable discount percent
Applicable profit percent
Quote to be written to disk
Disk drive with quote file
Sales tax applicable
Sales tax rate
Lines at top of form
Page height
Restored file drive
An explanation and description of each parameter start on the
next page.
RJL Systems 23
The PriceBook Setting the Type of Quote Desired
The first five parameters on the screen determine the quote to
be generated when using the price quote function. Quotes can be
obtained in six different formats. To obtain the quote you
desire, simply type and enter Y on the appropriate line on the
screen (press the enter key until you position the cursor on the
desired parameter). If all N's are entered in the first five
parameters, the price quote function will produce a quote at
prices recorded in the price book file with no application of a
discount or profit percentage. Method for Computing Profit
Enter 0 to compute profit as percentage of sales. Enter any
other character to compute profit as a percentage of cost. Discount and Profit Percentage Parameters
If generating quotes by applying a discount to the dollar sum of
your quote items, set the discount percentage parameter to the
desired amount. If generating quotes by applying a profit to the
dollar sum of your quote items, set the profit percentage
parameter to the desired amount. If generating quotes by applying
a discount to the dollar sum of your quote items and then adding
a profit, set both the profit and discount percentage parameters
to the desired amounts. Write Quote to Disk Parameter
Enter N to have your quote printed only. Enter Y to have your
quote written to disk only. Enter B to have your quote outputted
to both disk and printer. Disk Drive with Quote File Parameter
If you are writing your quotes to disk, enter the letter assigned
to the drive where your quote will be written. Permissible values
are A, B, C, or D.
24 RJL Systems
The PriceBook Sales Tax Applicable Parameter
Enter Y to include sales tax in a quote. Enter N not to apply
sales tax to a quote. Sales Tax Rate Parameter
Enter the applicable sales tax rate for your location. If the
sales tax applicable parameter is set to N, this parameter has no
effect on a quote. Before entering the sales tax rate, clear the
field first by pressing the cursor control right key (the number
6 key on the numeric keypad, which is on the right side of the
IBM keyboard). Lines at Top of Form Parameter
Enter the number of blank lines desired on the top of a form when
printing out a quote or other listing of The PriceBook. Page Height Parameter
Enter the page height of the paper (form) you are using for your
printouts. Restored File Drive Parameter
Enter the letter assigned to the disk drive that will
contain the restored price book file (using the PBR program) or
the restored quote and edit files (using the QER program).
Permissible values are A, B, C, or D.
Once you have made all desired changes, press the F10 key to
record the changes to the parameter file.
No update of your parameter file takes place unless the F10 key
is pressed or the enter key is pressed while the cursor is
positioned at the last parameter on the screen (restored file
drive parameter).
Enter only upper-case letters for alphabetic parameters.
RJL Systems 25
The PriceBook
2.2.7 Creating a Backup Diskette
Using this function (price-book-menu screen selection F7 or B)
will create a backup diskette of your price book file. This
facility creates one file named PBBKUP.FIL. It is important that
you create a backup of your price book file after you have
finished updating the file.
Having a current backup will prevent your having to reinput
updates to the price book file later on in the event the file
must be restored for any reason. Please note that this facility
can not be used by fixed-disk users if the size of the price book
file becomes greater than a diskette can hold (however a backup
can be made to a second fixed disk or the same fixed disk). In
such an event, you can use DOS's BACKUP (and RESTORE) utility
program to back up the PRICEBK.FIL and the PRICEBK.KEY files,
which comprise the price book file.
After making the appropriate selection in the price-book-menu
screen, you will see the following messages appear.
Use Esc to exit.
Do not remove price book file.
Enter letter of backup drive.
Type and enter the drive specification of the drive where you
will insert the backup diskette (permissible values are A, B, C,
or D).
After the drive specification has been entered, the price-book
backup screen will appear and will look similar to the one shown
on the next page.
1. A backup of the price book file can also be made by copying
the PRICEBK.FIL and PRICEBK.KEY files using the DOS COPY
command. You may want to back up the price book file in this
manner in addition to using the normal backup facility
provided by The PriceBook.
26 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
Keep Price Book File Diskette in Current Drive.
Insert Backup Diskette in Drive A then Press Enter for Backup.
Use Esc Key to Exit.
You can now insert a backup diskette in the drive indicated on
the screen (in the above illustration drive A was selected).
After the diskette is inserted, press the enter key and the
backup will begin. When the backup is completed, the following
message will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Backup of price book file completed. ____ pages written to
backup diskette.
For those who have a two-disk-drive system, you can now create
another backup diskette (it is advisable to keep more than one)
or exit and return to the price-book-menu screen by pressing the
Esc key. After finishing making a backup, you should label your
backup diskette with the date and approximate time the backup
was created.
An important point to remember is that you should never use a
backup diskette that contains your latest price-book-file backup.
If you do and the system crashes while the backup is executing,
both your price book file and your latest price-book-file backup
could be lost permanently making recovery long and arduous.
One final point is that you should never attempt to exit the
backup screen while the actual backup is in progress.
2. If the drive indicated on the backup screen and the current
drive are identical, the backup will take place on your price
book file diskette, and no new diskette must be inserted.
RJL Systems 27
The PriceBook
2.2.8 Load & Run Q Program
Using this function will enable you to transfer control to the Q
To transfer control to the Q program, type and enter L or
optionally press the F8 key. A message will then appear informing
you that the quote program must be on the current drive. If your
program diskette is not on the current drive, replace the price
book file diskette with your program diskette so the system can
load and run the Q program. Pressing any key except Esc will then
load and execute the Q program (see Chapter 4).
28 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
2.2.9 Global Updating
Using this function will enable you to change prices by a
constant percentage to one or more pages of your price book file.
Typing and entering G or optionally pressing the F9 key while in
the price-book-menu screen will produce the following screen.
Global Updating
Enter beginning page ............
Enter ending page ............
Enter percent to be increased/decreased (-) .....
To change prices in your price book file by a constant
percentage, type and enter the identifier of the page you want
the update to begin on, followed by the identifier of the page
you want the update to finish on. If you want to update only one
page, type and enter the identifier of the desired page for both
the beginning and ending page identifier. After the beginning
and ending page identifiers are entered, type and enter the
applicable percentage increase or decrease (e.g. 07.00, 03.50,
05.00-, 04.25-).
After the above data is entered, the program will begin updating
your price book file. As a page is being updated, its page
identifier will be displayed on your screen. When the update is
finished, the cursor will return to the first page identifier
field on the screen, where you can continue updating or exit and
return to the price-book-menu screen.
RJL Systems 29
The PriceBook
2.2.10 Exiting the PB Program
Using this function will return you to DOS.
To exit The PriceBook, type and enter R or optionally press the
Esc key. Please remember to exit The PriceBook before turning off
your computer. Failure to do so could result in serious damage to
your price book file as well as your quote and edit files.
30 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
C h a p t e r 3
O t h e r P r i c e B o o k F i l e P r o g r a m s
3 . 1 P R I C E I N T
PRICEINT is the program that creates your price book file so you
can start adding product descriptions and prices for the purpose
of generating quotations. Before executing this program, refer to
section 1.9 explaining installation.
3.1.1 Using PRICEINT
Users without a fixed disk should insert The PriceBook diskette
in drive A. The program can now be executed by typing and
entering PRICEINT to the right of the DOS prompt. A screen will
then appear with the following messages.
If you are not placing your price book file on your program
diskette, remove your program diskette and insert the formatted
diskette that will contain your price book file. Once this
diskette is inserted, press any key except Esc and the program
will start execution creating a new price book file.
Note your price book file will have one blank record (page) with
a page identifier of Z. After adding a few records to your file
with the PB program, you should delete this blank record using
PB's delete function (section 2.2.3).
RJL Systems 31
The PriceBook
3 . 2 P B R
PBR is the program that restores (re-creates) the production
price book file when that file becomes unusable for any reason.
To re-create the price book file, PBR uses the price book file
backup, PBBKUP.FIL, created by the backup facility provided by
The PriceBook in the PB program.
The program re-creates both the data file PRICEBK.FIL and
the indexed file PRICEBK.KEY that comprise the price book
file. By executing this program, the production price book
file is not only re-created but also reorganized more
efficiently. A reorganization does not take place if you
utilize the DOS COPY command to restore the price book file. The
ability to reorganize the price book file is one of the principal
reasons for using the backup and restore features provided by The
3. An indexed file tends to become disorganized and inefficient
to use when it has been updated frequently; therefore, it
should be restored periodically.
4. The COPY command will have to be used for both the
PRICEBK.FIL and PRICEBK.KEY backup files.
32 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
3.2.1 Using PBR
Users without a fixed disk must first insert The PriceBook
diskette in drive A. Fixed-disk users who have their backup
file on a fixed disk will have to assign the fixed disk
containing the backup to drive A using the DOS ASSIGN command as
ASSIGN A=C or ASSIGN A=D, whichever drive applies.
This assignment should be cancelled after PBR has finished re-
creating the price book file by typing and entering only the
word ASSIGN (DOS must be on your current drive) next to the DOS
prompt. To prevent forgetting to enter or cancel the drive
assignment, you can create a batch file (see the batch commands
section in your DOS manual) containing the following three
statements: ASSIGN A=C, PBR, and ASSIGN and then execute the
batch job every time you restore the price book file.
To execute the program, type and enter PBR next to the DOS
prompt. After the initial screen appears informing you the
parameter file must be on the current drive, the following
messages will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Insert your latest price-book backup diskette in drive A.
Insert the diskette that will contain the re-created price book
file in the drive indicated on the screen (nonfixed-disk users
only). The drive specification is taken from the restored-file
drive setting in the parameter file. You can change this
specification using the PB program's update parameter function
(section 2.2.6). Upon pressing any key except Esc, the program
will start re-creating the price book file. Note that in
performance tests using two disk drives, PBR was found to run at
least five times faster with a system having a fixed disk than
one without.
When the program is finished re-creating the file, it will let
you know that the file was successfully restored by displaying
the following messages just before returning control to DOS.
RJL Systems 33
The PriceBook
3 . 3 P R I N T P B
PRINTPB is the program that provides printouts of your price book
file. One page, all pages or page identifiers can be printed.
Printouts of your price book is useful when you do not have
access to your computer and have to obtain price and product
description information. Having a page identifier printout comes
in handy when a program requests a page identifier and you are
unable to recall it at the moment.
3.3.1 Using PRINTPB
Users without a fixed disk should insert The PriceBook diskette
in drive A. The program can now be executed by typing and
entering PRINTPB next to the DOS prompt. A screen will then
appear with the following messages.
The price book and parameter files must be on current drive.
Press Esc to exit, any other key when ready.
If your price book file does not reside on the program diskette,
you should remove the program diskette from the current drive and
insert the diskette containing your price book file. This
diskette must also contain the parameter file, PBPARM.FIL, which
should have been copied from your program diskette at
installation time. The parameter file is required by PRINTPB to
determine the printer parameters you have chosen for your
printouts (see sections 1.7.2 and 2.2.6 if necessary).
34 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
After pressing any key except Esc, you will see the following
menu displayed.
Press F1, F2, F3 or Esc key
Print a Page F1
Print all Pages F2
Print Page Ids F3
Return to DOS ESC
Pressing the F1 key will require you to input the page
identifier of the page you want printed before you can obtain a
printout of the desired page. Pressing the F2 key will print all
pages in your price book file in ascending page identifier
sequence. Pressing the F3 key will print all page identifiers in
your price book file in ascending page identifier sequence.
Pressing the Esc key will return you to DOS. Please remember to
exit The PriceBook before turning off your computer. Failure to
do so could result in serious damage to your price book file.
RJL Systems 35
The PriceBook
36 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
C h a p t e r 4
Q, T h e Q u o t e P r o g r a m
4 . 1 D e s c r i p t i o n
Q provides those users who have written quotations to disk
access to the quote and edit files. Features include
displaying a quote(s), printing a quote(s), backing up the quote
and edit files, deleting a quote, editing and updating a quote
and merging (combining) two quotes into one.
4 . 2 U s i n g t h e Q P r o g r a m
Users who have a fixed disk need only type and enter the letter Q
next to the DOS prompt, C>. Those without a fixed disk should
insert The PriceBook diskette in drive A and then type and enter
the letter Q next to the DOS prompt, A>. After the letter Q is
entered, a screen will appear and look similar to the one that is
shown on the next page.
RJL Systems 37
The PriceBook
The PriceBook
Copyright l984 RJL Systems
Quote & edit files must be on current drive.
Press ESC to exit, any other key when ready.
Replace The PriceBook diskette in the current drive with your
quote and edit file diskette.
Pressing any key except Esc will now produce the quote-menu
screen shown on the next page.
Once the main menu as shown on the next page appears, do not
remove your quote and edit file diskette until you end execution
of the Q program.
38 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
Type and Enter Desired Code
Back Up Quote File F1
Delete a Quote F2
Edit a Quote F3
Find a Quote F4
Load & Run PB Pgm F5
Merge Quotes F6
Print a Quote F7
Global Updating F8
Quote Id. Display F9
Return to DOS ESC
You can choose one of the ten possible selections (functions)
shown above. There are two ways you can make a selection -- by
either typing and entering the first letter of the desired
function (e.g. typing and entering the letter B for Back Up Quote
File) or by simply pressing the function key (or Esc key)
assigned to the desired function (e.g. pressing the F1 key for
Back Up Quote File).
If a wrong letter is entered or an unassigned function key is
pressed while in the quote-menu screen, an error message will
be highlighted near the bottom of the screen. For all data
entry errors in any of the function screens, error
messages will also be highlighted at the bottom of the
screen. A list of error messages produced by The PriceBook
and COBOL along with a brief explanation of each is given in
Appendix A. For DOS error messages, refer to your DOS manual.
A description and walk-through of each function follow.
RJL Systems 39
The PriceBook
4.2.1 Back Up Quote File
Using this function (quote-menu screen selection F1 or B) will
create a backup diskette of the quote and edit files. The edit
file is the file that lets you edit (change) a quote. This
facility creates two files named QBKUP.FIL and EBKUP.FIL. It is
important that you create a backup of your quote and edit files
after you have finished a quote session (the PB program's quote
function) or have made updates with the editing or merging
feature of the Q program.
Having a current backup will prevent your having to reinput
updates to your file later on in the event the file must be
restored for any reason. Please note that this facility can not
be used by fixed-disk users if the size of both the quote and
edit files become greater than a diskette can hold (however a
backup can be made to a second fixed disk or the same fixed
disk). In such an event, you can use DOS'S BACKUP (and RESTORE)
utility program to back up the quote and edit files.
After making the appropriate selection in the quote-menu screen,
you will see the following messages appear.
Keep quote and edit files on current drive. Enter drive letter for
backup diskette.
Type and enter the drive specification of the drive where you
will insert the backup diskette (permissible values are A, B, C,
or D).
After the drive specification has been entered, the quote-file
backup screen will appear and will look similar to the one shown
on the next page.
5. A backup of the quote and edit files can also be done by
copying the QUOTE.FIL, QUOTE.KEY, ED.FIL and ED.KEY files
using the DOS COPY command. You may want to back up the quote
and edit files in this manner in addition to using the normal
backup facility provided by The PriceBook.
40 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
Keep Quote and Edit File Diskette in Current Drive.
Insert Backup Diskette in Drive A then Press Enter for Backup.
Use Esc Key to Exit.
You can now insert a backup diskette in the drive indicated on
the screen (in this illustration drive A was selected). After
the diskette is inserted, press the enter key and the backup
will begin. When the backup is completed, the following message
will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Backup of quote and edit files completed.
For those who have a two-disk-drive system, you can now create
another backup diskette (it is advisable to keep more than one)
or exit and return to the quote-menu screen by pressing the Esc
key. After finishing making a backup, you should label your
backup diskette with the date and approximate time the backup
was created.
An important point to remember is that you should never use a
backup diskette that contains your latest quote- and edit-file
backup. If you do and the system crashes while the backup is
executing, both your quote and edit files and your latest quote-
and edit-file backup could be lost permanently making recovery
long and arduous.
One final point is that you should never attempt to exit the
backup screen while the actual backup is in progress.
6. If the drive indicated on the backup screen and the current
drive are identical, the backup will take place on your quote
and edit file diskette, and no new diskette must be inserted.
RJL Systems 41
The PriceBook
4.2.2 Delete a Quote
Using this function will enable you to delete unwanted quotes
from your quote file (as well as corresponding quotes in the edit
Typing and entering D or optionally pressing the F2 key while in
the quote-menu screen will produce the quote inquiry screen.
After entering the quote identifier of the quote you want to
delete, a new screen will appear displaying the quote you just
selected with the following message appearing near the bottom of
the screen.
After viewing the displayed quote and confirming this quote is
indeed the one you want to delete, press D and the quote will be
deleted. If the quote is not the one you want deleted, press any
other key to prevent deletion. Once you have made your
selection, you will be returned to the quote inquiry screen where
you can select another quote for deletion or return to the quote-
menu screen.
The deletion process will take several seconds (or even minutes)
for quotes with many line items.
42 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
4.2.3 Edit a Quote
Using this function enables you to edit (make changes to) a
quote. All modifications to a quote occur in the edit file.
Typing and entering E or pressing the F3 key while in the quote-
menu screen will produce the quote inquiry screen. Typing and
entering the identifier of the quote you want to edit will then
result in the following screen.
The items shown in the middle of the screen represent the values
(X's are shown for illustration purposes) of each field in a line
from the quote (in the edit file) you selected to edit. The
initial edit screen will always display the first line of a
quote and position the cursor on the line status field. To make
a change to a field on a line, position the cursor (use the enter
or backtab key) to the desired field and simply type and enter
the new data. Note the backspace key is inoperative for
alphanumeric data. Use the cursor right (number 6 key), cursor
left (number 4 key) or space bar to assist in editing these
particular fields. Pressing the F9 key or pressing the enter key
while the cursor is on the last field of a line being edited will
record all changes that you have made to that particular line in
the edit file.
You can edit any line in your quote. To obtain the desired line
you want to edit, you can keep pressing the F1 key until you
reach that line or press the F2 key which moves the cursor to
the line number field located at the top left corner of the
screen allowing you to select any line from your quote. Typing
RJL Systems 43
The PriceBook
and entering the desired line number permits the program to find
and display that line so it can be edited.
Pressing the F3 key allows you to add a line to your quote. To
enter data for a field on a new line, position the cursor (use
the enter key or backtab key) to the desired field and simply
type and enter the data. Pressing the enter key while the cursor
is on the last field of a line being edited will then add that
line to the edit file.
The line status field is used as an indicator by the quote update
function (F10 key) to determine whether a line is to be deleted.
To have a line deleted on a quote update, type and enter any
character other than G in the line status field and then press
the F9 key.
If you are including shipping charges in your quote, pressing the
F5 key will enable you to enter a new shipping charge by moving
the cursor to the shipping charge field. When a quote update
takes place (by pressing the F10 key), any nonzero value entered
for the shipping charge field will be included in the final total
of a quote.
Remember all editing is done to your quote in the edit file. To
make the actual changes to your quote in the quote file (with
totals recalculated), you must press the F10 key. After an
update takes place, you can verify your changes by displaying the
quote using the find function (section 4.2.4). Note there must be
at least one line item with a line status equal to G in the edit
file for any update to take place.
After updating a quote, you can continue editing the same quote,
edit a new quote (pressing the F4 key will return you to the
quote inquiry screen) or exit and return to the quote-menu screen
(pressing the Esc key).
If an error is encountered by the update function (F10 key),
program execution ends with an error message displayed.
A function assigned to a function key is in effect only if the
cursor is positioned on one of the fields of a line being edited.
44 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
4.2.4 Find a Quote
Use this function to display a quote(s) in the quote file.
Typing and entering F or optionally pressing the F4 key while in
the quote-menu screen will produce the quote inquiry screen.
After entering the quote identifier of the quote you want
displayed (or pressing the F1 key to display the first quote in
the file), a new screen will appear displaying a quote (the quote
you selected or the first quote in the file if you pressed F1)
with the following selection line appearing near the bottom of
the screen.
After viewing the quote on the screen, you can view the next
quote (the next page if a quote has too many items to fit on the
first screen display) by pressing the F1 key. Note quotes are
written to disk in ascending quote identifier sequence and will
be displayed in such a manner. Pressing the F2 function key will
return you to the quote inquiry screen where you can select any
quote in the quote file to be displayed. Pressing any key besides
the F1 or F2 key will result in the return of the quote-menu
Note if you typed and entered an identifier for a quote that is
not being used, the following inquiry will appear in the message
Pressing any key except Esc allows you to display the nearest
quote having a quote identifier greater in value (alphabetically)
than the one you just entered.
RJL Systems 45
The PriceBook
4.2.5 Load & Run PB Program
Using this function will enable you to transfer control to the
PB program.
To transfer control to the PB program, type and enter L or
optionally press the F5 key while in the quote-menu screen. A
message will then appear informing you that the price book
program must be on the current drive. Replace your quote and
edit file diskette with your program diskette so the system can
load and run the PB program. Pressing any key except Esc will
then load and execute the PB program (see Chapter 2).
46 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
4.2.6 Merge Two Quotes
Using this function permits you to merge (combine) two quotes
into one.
Typing and entering M or optionally pressing the F6 key while in
the quote-menu screen will result in the following screen.
Quote Id. #1 ...............
Quote Id. #2 ...............
To merge two quotes, simply type and enter the quote identifiers
of the quotes you want to combine. After the second quote
identifier is entered, you will see a message highlighted at the
bottom of the screen informing you that the merging and updating
of your quote file is taking place. Once the merge is
finished, you can merge two more quotes or return to the quote-
menu screen by pressing the Esc key.
The first quote is merged into the second quote. All information
(prices, product descriptions, quantities, etc.) is taken from
the edit file and written to the quote file and a final total
calculated. The first quote is not deleted. If you desire
this quote to be deleted, you should use the delete function
(section 4.2.2). The new quote will assume the quote format and
quote identifier of the second quote. To make sure the result
of the merging was what you expected, display the merged quote
using the find function (4.2.4).
One line item with a line status equal to G must exist in the
first quote for an update to take place. Note also the merging
process will take several seconds (even minutes) for quotes with
many line items.
RJL Systems 47
The PriceBook
4.2.7 Print a Quote
Using this function will enable you to print a quote from either
the edit or quote file. When editing a large quotation, you will
find having a printout of the quote from the edit file especially
Typing and entering P or optionally pressing the F7 function key
while in the quote-menu screen will result in the following
Parameter file must be on current drive.
Press ESC key to exit.
Press E to print from edit file.
Press any other key to print from quote file.
If you want to print a quote from the edit file, press the letter
E; otherwise, press any other key except the Esc key to print
from the quote file. Pressing a key of your choice will produce
the quote inquiry screen. Enter the quote identifier of the quote
you want to print.
If you are printing a quote from the quote file, you have the
option to print just the quote you selected or to print all
quotes (by pressing the letter A) starting with the selected
quote. This facility of printing more than one quote will be
especially useful for those who are using The PriceBook to
generate invoices.
Once the printing of a quotation from the quote file is finished,
the program returns to the quote inquiry screen where you can
exit or enter another quote to be printed.
48 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
4.2.8 Global Updating
Using this function will enable you to increase or decrease all
prices in a quote by a constant percentage. Typing and entering G
or optionally pressing the F8 key while in the quote-menu screen
will result in the following screen.
Enter quote id. ...............
Enter percent to be increased/decreased (-) ......
To change all prices in a quote by a constant percentage, first
type and enter the quote identifier of the quote you want
to update, followed by the the applicable percentage price
increase or decrease (e.g. 07.00, 03.50, 05.00-, 04.25-).
After the above data is entered, the program will begin
updating prices in your quote. When the update is finished,
the cursor will return to the quote identifier field on the
screen where you can update another quote or exit and return to
the quote-menu screen.
RJL Systems 49
The PriceBook
4.2.9 Quote Id. Display
Using this function will enable you to display all quote
identifiers in your quote file. Whenever necessary, use this
function to help you recall a quote identifier.
Typing and entering Q or optionally pressing the F9 key while in
the quote-menu screen will result in the following messages
appearing on your screen.
Reading quote file and displaying all quote identifiers.
Press Esc to exit, any other key to proceed.
Pressing any key except the Esc key will start the display of all
quote identifiers in your quote file in groups of four per
display line. Once a screenful of quote identifiers is
displayed, you have the option of returning to the quote-menu
screen or continue displaying more quote identifiers.
4.2.10 Exiting the Q Program
Using this function will return you to DOS.
To exit The PriceBook, type and enter R or optionally press the
Esc key. Please remember to exit The PriceBook before turning off
your computer. Failure to do so could result in serious damage to
your quote and edit files.
50 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
C h a p t e r 5
O t h e r Q u o t e F i l e P r o g r a m s
5 . 1 Q U O T E I N T
QUOTEINT is the program that creates your quote and edit files
to enable you to write your quotations to disk. The edit file
allows you to modify a quote after it has been written to disk.
5.1.1 Using QUOTEINT
Users without a fixed disk should insert The PriceBook diskette
in drive A. The program can now be executed by typing and
entering QUOTEINT to the right of the DOS prompt. A screen will
then appear with the following messages.
Remove your program diskette and insert the formatted diskette
that will contain your quote and edit files. Because available
disk space on your program diskette is limited, always use a
separate diskette. Once the diskette is inserted, press any key
except Esc and the program will start execution with new quote
and edit files created.
Note your quote and edit files will each have one blank record
(quote) with a quote identifier of Z. After adding a few quotes
to your file with the PB program, you should delete this blank
record using the Q program's delete function (deleting a quote
record automatically deletes an edit record).
You may use the QUOTEINT program to maintain more than one
quote and edit file; however, they must reside on separate
diskettes (or in separate directories). For example, if you
have large quotes, you may want to use a quote and edit file for
7. For users with a one-disk-drive system, always place your
quote, edit and price book files on the same diskette.
RJL Systems 51
The PriceBook
each quote. If you do use more than one diskette, be sure to
label each diskette to distinguish the files from one another
to prevent the possibility of updating the wrong file at some
later date.
52 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
5 . 2 Q E R
QER is the program that restores (re-creates) the quote
and edit files when these files become unusable for any reason.
To re-create the quote and edit files, QER uses the quote file
backup, QBKUP.FIL, and the edit file backup, EBKUP.FIL,
created by the backup facility provided by The PriceBook in the Q
The program re-creates both the data files QUOTE.FIL and
ED.FIL plus the indexed files QUOTE.KEY and ED.KEY that
comprise the quote and edit files. By executing this program,
the quote and edit files are not only re-created but also
reorganized more efficiently. A reorganization does not take
place if you utilize the DOS COPY command to restore the quote
and edit files. The ability to reorganize the quote and edit
files is one of the principal reasons for using the backup and
restore features provided by The PriceBook.
8. An indexed file tends to become disorganized and inefficient
to use when it has been updated frequently; therefore, it
should be restored periodically.
9. The COPY command will have to be used for the QUOTE.FIL,
QUOTE.KEY, ED.FIL and ED.KEY backup files.
RJL Systems 53
The PriceBook
5.2.1 Using QER
Users without a fixed disk must first insert The PriceBook
diskette in drive A. Fixed-disk users who have their backup
files on a fixed disk will have to assign the fixed disk
containing the backups to drive A using the DOS ASSIGN command
as follows:
ASSIGN A=C or ASSIGN A=D, whichever drive applies.
This assignment should be cancelled after QER has finished re-
creating the quote and edit files by typing and entering only the
word ASSIGN (DOS must be on your current drive) next to the DOS
prompt. To prevent forgetting to enter or cancel the drive
assignment, you can create a batch file (see the batch commands
section in your DOS manual) containing the following three
statements: ASSIGN A=C, QER, and ASSIGN and then execute the
batch job every time you restore the quote and edit files.
To execute the program, type and enter QER next to the DOS
prompt. After the initial screen appears informing you the
parameter file must be on the current drive, the following
messages will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Insert your latest quote- and edit-file backup diskette in drive
A. Insert the diskette that will contain the re-created quote
and edit files in the drive indicated on the screen (nonfixed-
disk users only). The drive specification is taken from the
restored-file drive setting in your parameter file. You can
change this specification using the PB program's update parameter
function (section 2.2.6). Upon pressing any key except Esc, the
program will start re-creating the quote and edit files. Note
that in performance tests using two disk drives, QER was found to
run at least five times faster with a system having a fixed disk
than one without.
When the program is finished re-creating the two files, it will
let you know that the files were successfully restored by
displaying the following message just before returning control to
54 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
A p p e n d i x A
E r r o r M e s s a g e s
- Abort, Retry, Ignore
* This is a DOS error message that can occur for a
number of reasons. Always try to recover from this
situation by correcting the applicable problem and
pressing R. Avoid the Abort selection if possible
since your price book and/or quote and edit files
may become damaged.
* A line you tried to add or change in the edit
function of the Q program contained spaces for
alphanumeric data and zeroes for numeric data. At
least one field in a line must contain nonzero or
nonblank data before a line can be added or changed.
* There are a number of COBOL file errors and run-time
errors that could occur on rare cases. There is no
point in providing a description and explanation of
each error, since in all likelihood they would have
little meaning to you. Some of these errors are of a
serious nature. If you do encounter this type of
error, please notify RJL Systems.
* A number entered for the column field in the data
line in the price quote routine of the PB program was
incorrect. There are seven columns of prices for a
page in format 2. Enter a number 1 thru 7 only.
* The drive specification for the backup diskette is
not one of the permissible values shown above.
* The identifier used to add a new page or a quote was
already being used by an existing record. Enter a
unique (nonduplicate) identifier.
RJL Systems 55
The PriceBook
* A character other than Y or N was entered for one of
the parameters in the update parameters routine of
the PB program. Enter Y or N only.
* A letter other than Y, N or B was entered for the
write to disk parameter in the update parameters
routine of the PB program. Enter Y, N or B only. Also
refer to section 2.2.6.
* A number was entered for a row or column that did
not contain descriptive information (price quote
function 2.2.5). Enter the number of a row or
column that contains descriptive information only.
* The letter Y was entered for more than one quote
format in the update parameters routine of the PB
program. Y must appear in only one of the first five
parameters shown in the update parameters screen.
* An identifier for a quote or a page was not entered.
Enter a unique identifier.
* Self-explanatory. Enter one of the codes as shown on
the current screen.
* A price extension calculated on a quote update in the
edit function or in the merge function of the Q
program exceeded the maximum allocated total which
is 99,999,999.99.
* The page identifier entered in the page inquiry
screen of the PB program was not found in the price
book file. Enter the correct page identifier.
56 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
* A program could not find the price book file
on the current drive. This error could result for a
number of reasons. The most likely one is simply
that the diskette containing the price book file was
not inserted in the current drive.
* The structure of the price book file for all intents
and purposes has been destroyed. This situation can
result from a system crash occurring while updating
the file or from turning off your computer while The
PriceBook is still executing. To recover from a
damaged file, restore your price book file using the
PBR program and your latest price-book-file backup
* A computation by the price quote function of the PB
program exceeded program maximum allocation which is
99,999,999.99. Reducing the quantity size by making
two or more entries should resolve the problem.
* Self-explanatory. Two distinct quotes (separate quote
identifiers) are required when using the merge
* Self-explanatory. A quote identifier which a program
requested was not entered. Enter a quote identifier.
* A quote identifier was entered that was not found in
the quote file. Be sure you have entered the correct
identifier (use the file display function if neces-
* The Q program could not find the quote file on the
current drive or the PB program could not find the
quote file in the drive specified in the parameter
file. This error could result for a number of
reasons. The most likely one is simply that the
diskette containing the quote file was not inserted
in the proper drive.
RJL Systems 57
The PriceBook
* The structure of the file for all intents
and purposes has been destroyed. This situation can
result from a system crash occurring while updating
the file or from turning off your computer while The
PriceBook is still executing. To recover from a
damaged file, restore your quote file using the QER
program and your latest quote-file backup diskette.
* The update of a quote in the edit function or in the
merge function of the Q program encountered an output
error. Display the quote and edit files to see if
they must be restored.
* The total calculated on a quote update in the edit
function or in the merge function of the Q program
exceeded the maximum allocated number which is
* A number entered for the row field on the data line
in the price quote routine of the PB program was
incorrect. There are 17 rows of prices for a page.
Enter a number 1 thru 17 only.
* A number entered for the table field on the data line
in the price quote routine of the PB program was
incorrect. There are 2 tables of prices for a page in
format 1. Enter the number 1 or 2 only.
58 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
A p p e n d i x B
G l o s s a r y
Alphanumeric A data type that can consist of digits, letters
and certain symbols. Synonymous with nonnumeric.
Backspace key The editing key with the leftward pointed arrow.
It is located right above the enter key on the
IBM keyboard.
Backtab key The tab key (see definition of tab key) plus the
shift key. This key is used to return to a
previously entered field.
Back up The copying of a whole diskette or just desired
files on a diskette onto another diskette. Copying
can also take place from a fixed disk to a
diskette or vice versa.
Byte One character of data stored in computer memory,
on disk or tape.
COBOL Acronym for Common Business Oriented Language. It
is the programming language used extensively on
mainframe computers for business applications.
Cursor A blinking underline character appearing on the
screen and denoting the position where data
should be entered.
Cursor control left key
On the numeric keypad, this is the number 4 key
which can be used for editing purposes when the
numeric lock key is disengaged.
Cursor control right key
On the numeric keypad, this is the number 6 key
which can be used for editing purposes when the
numeric lock key is disengaged.
Directory An area on diskette or fixed disk containing all
file names and file information associated with
that particular directory.
Disk Synonymous with either diskette or fixed disk.
RJL Systems 59
The PriceBook
Diskette A thin, flexible magnetic disk, used as a medium
to store data on a permanent basis. Unlike a
fixed disk, it is removable in nature. Synony-
mous with floppy diskette.
DOS Acronym for Disk Operating System. The operating
system for the IBM PC.
Enter Pressing the enter key, which is the key with the
hooked arrow on the right side of the IBM
keyboard. If data were typed prior to pressing the
enter key, the data would be placed into computer
Esc key The escape key is located just to the left of the
number 1 key on the top row of the IBM keyboard.
The escape key is used to exit from a screen.
Field The smallest unit of a record or a particular area
in computer memory which a program can use.
File An area on disk containing records of a related
nature such as an inventory file, your price book
file or a program.
Fixed disk A nonremovable disk. Synonymous with hard disk.
Floppy diskette
Synonymous with diskette.
Formatting A process of preparing a disk (using the DOS
FORMAT command) to make it usable by a program.
Function A particular phase of a program designed for the
purpose of performing one specific task.
Synonymous with routine.
Function key A key that can be programmed to perform a specific
task for a user. The function keys are F1-F10 on
the left side of the IBM keyboard.
Hard disk A nonremovable disk. Synonymous with fixed disk.
Highlight To make characters appear more brilliant than
normal on the video display.
Input Placing data into computer memory by typing in the
information via the keyboard and pressing the
enter key, which is the key with the hooked arrow
on the right side of the IBM keyboard.
Menu A list of items (functions) from which a selection
must be made. Typing and entering a permissible
60 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
letter or pressing an assigned function key
determines what function a program performs next.
Message line A line at the bottom of a screen where either
error messages or informative messages are
displayed by a program.
Nonnumeric A field that can contain both digits and
nondigits. Synonymous with alphanumeric.
Numeric A field that can contain only digits.
Off-line Pertaining to equipment unaccessible to your com-
puter such as a diskette not on a disk drive or a
disconnected printer.
On-line Pertaining to equipment accessible to your compu-
ter such as a diskette on a disk drive or a video
display that is connected and turned on.
Page identifier
The identifier you assign to a page in your price
book file. The maximum length of this identifier
is twelve characters long. Pages are placed in
your price book file in ascending sequence by page
identifier. Note upper-case and lower-case letters
are assigned different values.
Parameter A field that can take on more than one value. A
program uses this value to place in a calculation
or to determine a particular operation to perform.
Production Price Book File
The price book file that is used on a normal basis
as opposed to the price book file residing on a
backup diskette.
Prompt A character(s) indicating where data can be
entered on the screen. The DOS prompt is usually
the > character preceded by the drive designator.
The PriceBook prompts are periods for
alphanumeric data and zeros for numeric data.
Quote identifier
The identifier you assign to a quote in your
quote file. The maximum length of this
identifier is fifteen characters long. Quotes
are placed in your quote file in ascending
sequence by quote identifier. Your quote will
also be placed in an edit file where you can make
modifications if necessary. Note upper-case and
lower-case letters are assigned different values.
RJL Systems 61
The PriceBook
Record A basic unit of a file consisting of a group of
fields that contain pertinent information concern-
ing one subject. On the price book file, there
is a record for each page.
Routine A particular phase of a program designed for the
purpose of performing one specific task.
Synonymous with function.
Screen The output to the video display.
Selection line
A line(s) near the bottom of a screen where a
selection of options available for a particular
screen is displayed.
System Crash Failure of the computer system to remain running
(e.g. a system crash caused by a power outage).
Tab key The key with both a leftward and rightward pointed
arrow. It is located just below the Esc key on
the IBM keyboard. This key can be used in lieu of
the enter key.
Type Pressing any key where a character is assigned.
The enter key, tab key and other special purpose
keys are not included.
Type and Enter
Typing in data; then pressing the enter key. After
the enter key is pressed, the data is placed into
computer memory.
Update To modify a file by either adding, deleting or
changing a record(s).
62 RJL Systems
The PriceBook
I n d e x
MODE command 5 delete a quote 42
DIR command 9
A directory 9
add a page 13 discount parameter
add inquiry screen 24
13 disk 9
alphanumeric 13 disk drive with
ASSIGN command 33, quote file
54 parameter 24
DISKCOPY command 3
B diskette 3, 8, 9,
backing up the quote 26, 27, 33, 40,
and edit files 41, 54
40 DOS 5
backing up the price
book file 3 E
backspace key 4 EBKUP.FIL 40
backtab key 4 ED.FIL 53
backup 3, 7, 10, 26, ED.KEY 53
27, 32, 33, 40, edit a quote 43
41, 53, 54 edit and quote file
backup screen
C 41
change a page 16 edit file 3, 40, 51
COBOL 4, 12, 39 edit screen 43
column field 20 edit file 54
COMMAND.COM 8 editing keys 4
COPY command 3, 26, enter key 4
32, 40, 53 Error Messages 12,
creating a backup 39
diskette 26 Esc key 5, 12, 39
creating the quote exiting The
and edit files PriceBook 6, 30
CTRL key 5 F
cursor control left field 4, 5
key 4 file 7, 10, 32, 41,
cursor control right 53
key 4 file names 9
find a page 18
D find a quote 45
damaged file 3 fixed disk 9, 10,
data entry 4 26, 33, 37, 40,
data line 20 54
delete a page 17 form feed 5
The PriceBook
formatted 31, 51 price book menu
function key 12, 39 screen 12
functions 12, 39 price book file 33
price book manual 2
G price quote function
global updating 29, 19
49 price-book backup
screen 27
highlight 12, 39 PRICEBK.KEY 32
I PRICEINT -- creating
installation 8 a price book
file 31
L print a quote 48
lines at top of form printer preparation
parameter 25 5
printing out the
M price book file
menu 5, 10, 11, 27, 34
merge two quotes 47 PRINTPB -- printing
merge two quotes out the price
screen 47 book file 34
method for computing production price
profit 24 book file 7
profit percentage
N parameter 24
numeric 4, 13 program names and
functions 7
obtaining the Q
desired quote Q 7
24 Q - the quote
on-line 5 program 37
QBKUP.FIL 40, 53
P QER 7, 53
page formats 15 QER -- the restore
page height quote and edit
parameter 25 file program 53
PB program's quote file 3, 37,
features 10 40, 42, 51, 53,
PBBKUP.FIL 26, 32 54
PBR 7, 32 quote identifier 19
PBR -- the restore quote identifier
price book file display 50
program 32 quote inquiry screen
price book file 1, 19
3, 10, 17, 26, quote menu 41
27, 31, 32, 53 quote menu screen 39
increasing the QUOTE.FIL 53
size 8 QUOTE.KEY 53
price book menu 10, QUOTEINT 7
12, 27
The PriceBook
QUOTEINT -- creating serial printer 5
the quote and shipping charges 19
edit files 51 system crash 6, 27,
recovering lost data T
3 tab key 4
RENAME command 9 table field 20
reorganized 32, 53 transferring control
restored file drive to the PB
parameter 25 program 46
restoring the price transferring control
book file 32 to the Q
restoring the quote program 28
and edit files
53 U
row field 20 UOI field 20
update parameter
S file 23
sales tax applicable update parameter
parameter 25 screen 23
sales tax rate users and uses of
parameter 25 The PriceBook 2
sample price book
file 2 W
SCROLL/BREAK key 5 write quote to disk
selections 12, 39 parameter 24
sequence of pages 2